A Deeper Focus


2nd Beaver Festival a success

The SLO Beaver Brigade did it again, hosting an amazing festival on March 23rd at Mission Plaza in San Luis Obispo.  Over 1,000 people enjoyed a break in the rain to enjoy live music by Cuyama Mama and the Hot Flashes and Elliott Johnson, exhibitors, children’s activities, and a beaver trivia contest.  The featured speaker was Lelia Philips, author Beaver Land: How One Weird Rodent Made America.  Other speakers included Cooper Lienhart of SLO Beaver Brigade, Ben van Hamersveld, native plant propagation specialist, CreekLands Conservation, Freddy Otte of the City of SLO and Greg Ellis of the Upper Salinas-Las Tablas Resource Conservation District.

Just because the festival is over, it doesn’t mean the Brigade is gone.  Check out their web site at slobeaverbrigade.org and if you haven’t already done so, sign up for one of the beaver walks in the Salinas River at slobeaverbrigade.com.

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