A Deeper Focus


An Introduction to First Peace

Zardoya Eagles was a featured speaker at the 2011 Central Coast Bioneers Conference. Her closing circle was very well-received and we asked her to write about First Peace for our E-zine.

Today we are challenged to create and sustain a sense of inner peace in our daily lives even as the world we live in seems to be spinning faster and faster. How do we find peace within ourselves in the midst of so much unrest? The Discipline of Peace is about learning to stop the spin. Become quiet within. Find and hold onto a sense of inner peace, and move in the world from there.

 On October 16, 2011 about a dozen kindred spirits gathered in a small corner room in the Veteran’s Hall for An Introduction to First Peace. It was the very last session of the Bioneers Conference in San Luis Obispo. After three days of much activity and listening to many brilliant speakers, we all agreed that capturing an hour of peace sounded very appealing. We focused on two of the eight Universal Principles of Peace: Awakening to the understanding of our own connection to the universe, and Opening to stillness, to being present in the moment. Through guided meditation and some sharing of words in the old way (called Stringing the Beads), we were able to create a sense of inner peace and respite after an exhausting weekend. Just that simple. Just that quick.

This, for me, is the appeal and the power of the Discipline of Peace. The practices and tools gained are very simple and can be utilized many times throughout the course of the day. Because creating a culture of peace requires knowledge and, what is more important, practice. When disciplined practice leads to the attainment of inner peace, that is the First Peace. It is a necessary step on the journey toward creating the Second Peace: Peace between individuals or the Third Peace: Peace among nations.

Peace, one person, one heart at a time.

For more information go to www.disciplineofpeace.org or e-mail Zardoya at firstpeacemn@gmail.com

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