Fun in the forest – the 2012 Central Coast Bioneers conference
The 3rd annual Central Coast Bioneers Conference is now a wrap and the comments are rolling in.
“Wind Wolves was a fabulous experience, an amazing place to see.”
“Plenaries were uniformly awesome.Richard Jackson’s keynote was great.”
“All plenary speakers were beyond amazing, passionate and well-prepared.”
“Organic farm tour and green homes were great!”
“Youth panel on Saturday was very good.”
“Best food yet!”
“Solar roadways, WOW.”
Much gratitude goes out to our wonderful sponsors, volunteers, exhibitors, tree builders, event staff, and silent auction bidders for making this conference such a success. And thank you to all the people who came and soaked in the knowledge and passion of the plenary and local speakers, engaged with each other and the exhibitors, enjoyed the beautiful Forest People trees, danced to The Mother Corn Shuckers, and partook of the amazing cooking of the Green Chefs. We hope you left feeling informed, energized and ready to take part in the reimaging of civilization in the age of nature. Wherever you go don’t forget that you are a Central Coast Bioneer.
Lost and Found – two jackets, one sweater, one pair of dark glasses and several water bottles were left behind at the conference grounds. If you are missing anything, call us at (805) 548-0597 or e-mail us at and we will reconnect you with your belongings.