A Deeper Focus


Get the scoop on beavers at CCBioneers

Beavers can have profound effects in our arid climate, from providing refugia and fire breaks from large-scale wildfires to replenishing our struggling aquifers by SLOWing, SPREADing, SINKing the flow of our rivers. They were native to this area and have historically shaped our landscapes. There are ways we can support them, and in turn support the health of our waterways.  Audrey Taub and Cooper Lienhart of the SLO Beaver Brigade will be on hand to inform us about the benefits that beavers provide along with what the Brigade been up to in SLO County.  February 26 at the SLO Guild Hall.  Registration open, virtual or in person at www.ecologistics.org.  Join us on a hike to a local beaver dam and lodge during our pre-conference field trip on February 25.  For more information on beavers and their unfortunate status as a pest in California, check on Bay Nature’s article.

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