A Deeper Focus


Judy Piazza

Judy Piazza will be playing her Earth honoring music, greeting people as they arrive for the morning plenaries. On Saturday during lunch she invites you to join her. Bring drums, percussion, and your lovely voices to celebrate in a circle of music and song. Small hand percussion instruments will be available. Piazza’s devotional chants and music enters our bodies, soothing our spirit, mind, and heart.

Piazza is well known as a talented musician. She plays many instruments including the drums, didgeridoo, native flute, guitar, and an instrument she created called the dulsitar (a combination of a dulcimer and sitar). Studying the yoga of sound since she was young, Piazza is interested in the power music has to affect us. She has studied indigenous rhythm and music, and sound therapy. As a percussionist and singer/songwriter, Piazza has traveled extensively performing and putting on workshops. She has taught nationally and internationally. Piazza has been involved with other Bioneers conferences in the country and CCB is glad to welcome her this year.

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