Noted wildlife artist and bird expert speaking at the SLO Botanical Garden
Ecologistics is teaming up with the SLO Botanical Garden and the Central Coast State Parks Association to bring renowned wildlife artist Keith Hansen, a specialist in imaginative portrayal of birds combined with scientific accuracy, to speak at the SLO Botanical Garden, Friday, May 3 at 7:00 PM. Hansen has illustrated 13 books and over two hundred of his illustrations have appeared in various ornithological journals, magazines, and environmental newsletters including American Birds, Continental Birdlife, and Western Birds. He has led expeditions for the Nature Conservancy with preeminent ornithologist David Sibley.
Keith will discuss his latest project, the illustration of Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status and Distribution, and show his film My Carbon Free Big Year, during which he conducted his birding expeditions by foot and bicycle. Plates from the book will be on display. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door and include wine and dessert.
The following day, May 4, Keith will lead a birding expedition from the Montana de Oro Ranch House, departing at 7:30 a.m. He will be accompanied by Morro Bay Natural History Museum manager Rouvaishyana. Lunch will be served at the Ranch House at 12:30 following the expedition. Tickets are $50 and include lunch. Expedition group limited to 20.
Tickets on sale soon at the Morro Bay Natural History Museum, at or