Register now for Women and the Environment Conference in Santa Barbara
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Dear Central Coast Bioneers,
We wanted to let you know about an exciting event coming up targeting ‘changemakers, decisionmakers, lawmakers and leaders’ throughout the central coast:
Women & the Environment Conference featuring Naomi Klein – May 17 & 18, 2017, Santa Barbara.
About the Conference:
The Women and the Environment conference is your opportunity to connect, collaborate and create. This dynamic event is for changemakers who want to establish new partnerships and be effective agents of adaptation to climate and social change. Join us to hear and pursue new perspectives and models to redress today’s challenges and achieve successful outcomes. The Conference will culminate with selection of three ‘big ideas,’ generated by conference attendees, for seed capital investment to support further development.
There are only 150 spots total available for this conference and it will sell out. The cost of $150 (early bird) and includes a VIP reception with Naomi Klein, preferred seating at the Granada Theatre and the day long conference on May 18.
For more information, please go to https://weconference.events/.