A Deeper Focus


Registration is now open for 2020 CCBioneers

Environmentally and politically, 2020 will be a defining year for all life on earth.  Climate disruption is speeding up exponentially and many of our leaders are either denying it exists or are ill-equipped to confront it.   The news is grim, but hope must not be lost.  Where else to get your annual inoculation of that hope than at Central Coast Bioneers?  Our theme this year is 2020 Vision and we have a fabulous lineup for you including selected keynote talks from the 2019 National Bioneers Conference and an afternoon session on implementation of the Green New Deal at the local level and how you can get involved.  It’s game on, everyone and each of us must do our part.

The conference will be held Saturday, February 1 from 9am to 4pm at the SLO Guild Hall.  Activities continue to be added and we will announce them in this newsletter. Click here for more information and to register online for the conference by credit card or to print out a PDF registration form and mail in with a check.   Information is also available if you wish to showcase your company or organization as a conference exhibitor.

We look forward to seeing you there in our 10th anniversary year.

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