A Deeper Focus


Salinas Panel Two

Salinas RiverCoke Hallowell, Sharon Weaver, and Michael Warburton will speak on the second panel of Dreaming the Salinas. Hallowell is president of the Board of Directors of the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust. “The great value of protecting lands and rivers means so much to our communities,” Hallowell says, “Wildlife habitat protection and enhancement is a big part of the Conservation Trust’s work. Building trails so that the public can access the river is one of our major efforts.” She hopes the talk will energize Bioneers attendees to join together in controlling development from invading the river floodplain and natural environs.

Sharon Weaver, Deputy Director, will talk on the successes of the Trust. Great progress has been made in restoration along the San Joaquin River for both human use and concerning animal habitat. She will also tell us about lobbying work against the Friant Dam. Weaver is responsible for projects including extension of the Lewis S. Eaton Trail and habitat enhancement at Jensen River Ranch.

Michael Warburton is Executive Director of the Public Trust Alliance, a non-profit project focused on defending public trust resources and heritage. At the panel he will inspire us, explaining how concerned citizens can instigate restoration projects in their community.

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