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Sign up for Economics of Being a Women’s Virtual Learning Seminars

Today, the need for financial education and preparedness is more important than ever. All over the world the frequency and intensity of natural disasters is increasing. More and more women are financially supporting aging parents and/or boomerang kids who are returning home. Most evidently, Women’s Rights are changing. While many of these obstacles affect women’s lives differently, Economics of Being a Women is focusing on how to help women improve and stabilize their financial paths. To help women during this difficult time Economics of Being A Woman is now offering in 2025:

• Group Financial Education & Preparedness For Women ~ Virtual Learning Seminars

• Self-Paced Financial Education & Preparedness For Women ~ Virtual Learning Seminars

• Group Financial Education & Preparedness For Women ~ In-Person Seminars

(emailinfo@EconomicsOfBeingAWoman.com for more information)

The presenters at these seminars are Andrea C. Wasko and Meaghan Gilbert, both survived the Loma Prieta earthquake and are long-time members of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). They are also founders and members of the Neighborhood Emergency Awareness Team (NEAT); along with living in a Firewise Community. Both Andrea and Meaghan understand the importance of preparedness.

As Andrea and Meaghan would say, “they would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it!”

If you are interested in financial preparedness and want to learn about economic stability in the comfort of your own home, sign up here. Or if you have any questions regarding the intensity of the course or want to learn more about what the virtual seminars consist, please email: info@economicsofbeingawomen.com.

To learn more about Economics of Being a Women click here.

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