A Deeper Focus


View our music video Love is the Seventh Wave and enter the contest

As many of you saw, our version of Sting’s “Love is the Seventh Wave” premiered September 28 on KSBY’s Daybreak newscast. Recorded by Steve Crimmel at Painted Sky Studios in Cambria, filmed by Todd Peterson of Red Canary Productions and featuring ten local artists, the song brings together our three-county area in a message of joy and hope in true Bioneers fashion. We invite you to watch the video on our website and enter a contest to win a stay in one of the fabulous yerts at Treebones Resort, enjoy dinner for two in their wonderful restaurant, and attend the Central Coast Bioneers Conference on us. Thank you to Jill Knight, Timo Beckwith, Erin Inglish, Owen Plant, Dylan Johnson, Louie Ortega, Eric Williams, Lloyd Nelson, Duane Inglish and Brynn Albanese for their time and talent. Jill, Timo, Erin and Owen will be performing during our free concert series at the CCBioneers conference throughout the weekend. There will also be some surprise musical guests at the kickoff party at the Steynberg Gallery on Thursday night, October 18. Stay tuned!

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