A Deeper Focus


Standing Rock activist will share human creation story at CCBioneers

Roberto Monge, who is Maya-Lenca born in El Salvador, will perform the closing talk and ceremony at the 2018 Central Coast Bioneers Conference by sharing a key story from the Lenca Taulepa tribe –  that of human creation.  This very entertaining and insightful legend tells how six different animals sacrificed their gifts in order to bring humans into this world.  The story, told originally by female tribal matriarch (Comishaual), is incredibly relevant to modern times.  Come hear how we can use the multiple energies provided to us by these generous animals to address the challenges facing us today.

Roberto is dedicated to bringing back the village heart to neighborhoods and to reconnect kids to nature, themselves and their communities. He is co-founder of City Repair SLO and is a community papa for the Outside Now School.  In 2016 he was at Standing Rock helping to bring high bandwidth internet to the Oceti Sakowin camp so that medics, legal teams and the indigenous press could reach the outside world. He currently working with his Maya-Lenca tribe to bring the diaspora together around the virtual Managuara (original name for their lands) that will serve as a virtual fire for the Maya-Lenca Nation.

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