A Deeper Focus


Eileen Crist featured on Ecologistics podcast


Anyone who attended our 2016 Deep Ecology Collaboratory will remember the passion of presenter Eileen Crist, who spoke on freedom, entitlement, and the fate of the nonhuman world.  Eileen is Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society at Virginia Tech. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Boston University, and a B.A., also in sociology, from Haverford College. Her work focuses on the ecological crisis and its root causes and pathways toward creating an ecological civilization. She is author of several books, including her most recent, Abundant Earth, which will completely reorient your focus in a way similar to Ishmael.  In Abundant Earth, Eileen chronicles the rising tide of biodiversity loss and eloquently lays out the drivers of this wholesale destruction.  Looking beyond the familiar litany of causes—a large and growing human population, rising livestock numbers, expanding economies and international trade, and spreading infrastructures and incursions upon wildlands—she asks the key question: if we know human expansionism is to blame for this ecological crisis, why are we not taking the needed steps to halt it?  Eileen doesn’t just ask questions in this book; she offers pragmatic solutions.

We were delighted to interview Eileen about her work and this book.  Please have a listen, along with our other featured interviews on our podcast, where we question the status quo.

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