A Deeper Focus


Cal Poly student to present at CCBioneers

Emma Lee Daniel, a BEACoN scholar last year at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, will present her research on nature-based solutions for urban injustice on Saturday, October 5th during the social justice program at Central Coast Bioneers.  In Los Angeles, historic socioecological injustices have resulted in unequal access to trees, parks, and green infrastructure, negatively impacting environmental and community health. GIS spatial analysis and critical mapping reveal a strong correlation between 1930s redlining maps and current environmental burdens in marginalized communities. Emma’s study uses measure of tree canopy, park access and climate change projections to identify areas most affected and proposes how nature-based solutions can be more equitably distributed to foster healthier, more resilient communities.  For more information and for tickets, click here.

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