A Deeper Focus


Local nonprofit adds to wildlife corridor on the Carrizo

By Patrick McGibney, BDF! Director

Biodiversity First! is a voice for the voiceless. We are a 501c3 non-profit formed in 2015 by a group of environmental and political activists. Through litigation, education, and public pressure, BDF! aims to protect and preserve the last remaining critical habitats and connective corridors used by a plethora of endangered species in our western deserts, rivers, watersheds, and grasslands. Projects in progress include: establishing a lead-free feeding station for the endangered California Condor in conjunction with the Ventana Wilderness Society; funding the development of a management program for the Salinas River; working with the County of San Luis Obispo to establish a workable management program for the Arroyo Grande Lagoon to protect several endangered species like the Tidewater Gobi, Red Legged Frog, and California Steelhead; and our latest, the purchase of a 40 acre parcel on the Carrizo Plain as part of a puzzle piece creating a connective corridor for the migrating species such as the Tule Elk and Pronghorn Antelope.

With the placement of two of the nation’s largest solar plants in the middle of historic migratory pathways on the Carrizo Plain, these corridors are imperative for the survival of these species. This particular parcel is surrounded by open conservation properties, but is fenced. The previous owner, who loved wilderness areas and the nature within, purchased the property in the early 80’s. At the time, it was being farmed with wheat as part of a larger parcel. It had an old abandoned cottage that had been, and still is, home to ravens and owls. A few years back, someone came and dumped a bunch of old car parts and other junk, so he fenced his property for security reasons. That fence is a 4 barbed, 5 strand fence, which has to have its two lower strands removed to make it critter friendly. BDF! is planning a barbed wire removal day open to community participation, the date TBA.  We will need your help.  Contact Stacey@ecologistics.org or us at info@biodiversityfirst.net and visit our website to learn more.

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