Ecologistics is proud to introduce our new Promotional Video
Hi Ecologistics community. Hope you had a great holiday season and New Year. In the spirt of the new year Ecologistics is more than excited to share with you our new promotional video. Please, check out the video on the Ecologistics Website, it is located on the homepage below Events and News.
The video was created by Michael J. Costa who did a phenomenal job illustrating what hard work goes on behind the scenes at Ecologistics. The video stars more than a few familiar faces including our very own Stacey Hunt and Dawn Carpenter who share their experiences as board members and leaders as environmentalists here in the San Luis Obispo Community; along with coverage from the Central Coast Bioneers Conference.
Don’t forget to check out the video on the Ecologistics Homepage and share it with your friends and family. We hope that more members of the community will be able to learn about what Ecologists and their sponsored organizations do for our community.
Click here to be directed to the Ecologistics Homepage.