EPA comes to SLO to hear about fracking
At the invitation of Congressman Salud Carbajal, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scheduled a hearing at the SLO Veteran’s Hall August 23 to discuss the Arroyo Grande Oil Field drinking water aquifer exemption permit. The Coalition to Protect SLO County held a rally before the meeting to support Measure G and to encourage interested citizens to ask the EPA to deny a permit for expanded oilfield toxic waste water injection into the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin, which underlies the Five Cities.
The room was packed with oil field supports and county residents concerned about the health of the basin. EPA representatives allowed approximately 12 people to address questions to the panel. YES on G’s Natalie Risener said “I don’t know that we changed the minds of the EPA but at least we were given the chance to speak directly to them about our concerns and I think that is important for them to see the human side of their decision to exempt an aquifer.”
More information about the Coalition and Yes on G can be found here.