Greening Los Osos holds July 4th tree planting event
We hope each of you enjoyed a happy and safe 4th of July weekend! In addition to enjoying BBQs with family and friends, fireworks and parades, what better way to celebrate than to plant more trees. Thank you to all who offered to help and a big shout out to Carolina Van Stone and Randon Pool for giving up their Saturday morning to plant the additional trees at the Ferrell Street site. We planted three new trees there to go with the six planted last December. We will be adding another 2-3 in the next week or so.
The trees make a great compliment to the brand-new pathway installed by the Los Osos Community Services District. Thank you LOCSD! This is a terrific benefit to the local community linking 7th & Ferrell Streets and from what we saw, it is already well appreciated by community members jogging, walking and biking along the path.
We also want to acknowledge the ongoing work of our water brigade who water the trees on a regular basis. Thank you Lorelei Eggli, Alice Welchert, Elaine Watson, Carolina Van Stone, Vita Miller and Linda Tanner! We can always use more help with watering so let me know if you are interested. And thank you Rita Flores, Sage Landscape Design, Los Osos Valley Nursery, Ron Munds and the LOCSD for the continued support of our work!
For more info about Greening Los Osos, contact us:
If you would like to help but are unable to participate in projects, please consider a tax-deductible donation:
Tony Salome
President, Greening Los Osos