A Deeper Focus


How to get your project funded through the Inflation Reduction Act

Virtual Town Hall co-hosted by Ecologistics and Sierra Club, Santa Lucia Chapter – Thursday, September 14, 6-8 pm

Would your business like to get an innovative clean energy project off the ground?

Would your city like to take advantage of tax credits for renewable energy while incentivizing investment in disadvantaged communities and creating new jobs?

Builders: Would you like your project to get up to $5,000 in tax credits for each energy efficient home and $1,000 per unit in a multi-family building, lowering energy costs for future owners?

Farmers and ranchers: Want to enhance soil carbon or sequester greenhouse gases on your land?

There’s an Act for that. And that’s about one-tenth of one percent of what the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) can do for you.

Join Local Climate Reality leader Heather Howell and Sierra Club’s Santa Lucia Chapter Director, Andrew Christie, for a virtual town hall on Zoom, on September 14, 2023, to learn everything you need to know about the IRA — the funds, the programs and how to access them.

Put your questions to EPA Region 9 Environmental Justice Coordinator Dani Allen-Williams, the district aides for Representatives Salud Carbajal and Jimmy Panetta, and local grant recipients to get current, practical information on funding opportunities for local governments, businesses, and organizations via the IRA, a ten-year plan to invest in sustainable Infrastructure and curb the climate crisis. Click here to RSVP.

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