Introducing our new College Corp Fellow


Introducing our new College Corp Fellow

Hi everyone!

My name is Daniella Bara. I am a new face here at Ecologistics working mainly behind the scenes. I have been in charge of the Ecologistics instagram since September of this year, written a few articles, and helped run the Ecologistics facebook. You may have seen me handling the check-in at this year’s Carrizo Colloquium.

 A little bit about me. I am a College Corp Fellow volunteering here at Ecologistics. I am a third year Communication Studies major with a minor in Law and Society. I have led club instagrams, been a member and captain of Cal Poly’s mock trial team. I hope to graduate in the fall of this upcoming year and jump straight into law school. In my spare time I enjoy hiking, surfing, and spending time with my friends.

This is my first time working at a nonprofit organization and I am super excited to see where I can help out. I am so grateful to work with the team here at Ecologists and so many people who care about our environment. I can’t wait to see how we can help our community with many of our upcoming projects.

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