Registration is now open for the 2012 Central Coast Bioneers Conference
Breakdown to Breakthrough: Reimagining civilization in the age of nature is the theme of the 23rd annual Bioneers Emergence, which will take place October 19-21. The 3rd annual Central Coast Bioneers Conference will again be beaming live the Bioneers plenary speakers from the international stage in Marin followed by local workshops, talks, field trips, music, dance, art and locally and sustainably grown food. This year CCBioneers will feature six major tracks: Renewable Energy, Ecopreneurship/Locanomics, Food & Farming, Health/Nature/Spirit, Activism/Social Justice and Green Design. Please go to our website for more information or to register. Early bird reduced rates in effect through August 15.
“The movement of movements Bioneers embodies is visibly emergent in the world. Now we need to rapidly change the mindscape and engage a critical mass of people to co-create the next world on the ground, while fiercely resisting the forces of destruction. Please join us in this community of leadership of breakthrough solutions for people and planet.”