Join the fight to eliminate billboards from our scenic highway
Ecologistics is proud to introduce our Central Coast Bioneers community to our newest sponsored organization, Protect Scenic 101. PS 101 is a local group dedicated to elimination of billboard blight along Hwy 101. Their priority is the 50 “grandfathered”billboards between the Avila and Santa Margarita exits.
Through its publicity efforts, many people have become aware that a local group is seeking billboard elimination. Current strategies include: new California legislation, discouragement of advertising by billboards, and City-County involvement in billboard elimination. PS 101 also plans to work with landowners on such win-win solutions as tax benefits for donating billboard rights.
The public generally no longer relies upon billboards for highway-related services. Both SLO City and County have banned new billboards. The other three Central Coast Counties have banned and actually eliminated most of their billboards. PS 101 and its supporters feel that not only do San Luis Obispo County residents deserve uncluttered views of their scenic open spaces, its tourism economy also would be enhanced.
PS101 invites your participation. Please email or call (805) 550-7713. Through the fiscal sponsorship provided by Ecologistics, donations to Protect Scenic 101 can now be taken as a tax deduction. For more information about Ecologistics’ fiscal sponsorship program, or to make a donation to PS 101, please click here.