A Deeper Focus


Next up – Peter Schurman and One Global Democracy


The next CCBioneers Critical Conversation will discuss why nation-states are no longer serving people’s needs and what can be done about it. Peter Schurman, the founding Executive Director of Moveon.org will make his case for One Global Democracy, his solution for climate change, inequality, economic opportunity, disease response, human trafficking and war. Schurman attributes these maladies to a common structural cause – the archaic division of the world into separate countries.

Schurman points out that borders are starting to become obsolete, using the European Union and the proliferation of trade agreements as examples. While there is a lot wrong with these agreements, they symbolize a realization that the countries we know today are no longer big enough to contain a growing share of human enterprise, both business and civic.

Come be a part of this very interesting conversation, Thursday, July 23 at the Ludwick Center, 864 Santa Rosa Street, San Luis Obispo. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the conversation begins at 7:00. A $5 donation is requested to offset costs.

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