A Deeper Focus


Workshop: The Great California Water Grab

This workshop, led by Lynne Plambeck and Evon Chambers, will explore the concept of water as property, policy changes, and ethical issues. Water farming, when corporations buy cheap, taxpayer-subsidized water and hold it for resale at high prices, has become an issue. This workshop will examine how to keep water public in our community and resources to do so, such as water advocacy groups.

Plambeck was elected in 1993 as an official for the Santa Clarita Organization for Planning and the Environment (SCOPE). After she was elected, SCOPE won several legal cases about water supply. Plambeck is passionate about sustaining water resources in communities for both humans and animals.

Since 2007, Chambers has been a Water Policy Assistant with the Planning and Conservation League. She is engaged in finding ways to decrease our dependence on natural resources while maintaining or improving our standard of living.

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