You are invited to the Carbon Neutral by 2035 Kickoff Celebration!
The fight against climate change in the U.S. is being led by cities. On California’s Central Coast, the fight took a historic turn in September 2018 when the City of San Luis Obispo voted unanimously to achieve a net zero carbon footprint by 2035, the most ambitious goal in the nation. The SLO Climate Coalition and the City of San Luis Obispo have teamed up to host the Climate Solution Series, a number of events created to engage the community in understanding the new 2019 Climate Action Plan and how we can work together to achieve carbon neutrality for San Luis Obispo by 2035.
At 5:30 pm on April 30, 2019, at SLO Brew, a Kickoff Celebration will bring together important San Luis Obispo community leaders and nonprofits who will be key players in fulfilling the plan to achieve the City’s aggressive community-wide goals. Joining the panel discussion will be Mayor Heidi Harmon, Chamber of Commerce CEO Jim Dantona, and Cal Poly Energy, Utilities, and Sustainability Director Dennis Elliot. The conversation will focus on the most exciting opportunities as well as the challenges of achieving decarbonization.
Exhibitors from Sunwork, Monterey Bay Community Power, Sierra Club, ECOSLO, SLO Transit, SLO Public Utilities, the SLO Climate Coalition and the Chamber of Commerce will be on hand to show you ways you can pitch in and help the City set an example for the rest of the nation on how to come together to tackle climate change. More information and free tickets can be obtained here.