A Deeper Focus


Warren Brush, founder of Quail Springs Permaculture Oasis to speak in SLO

Warren Brush

Warren Brush, a local leader in the Permaculture movement, will make two appearances in San Luis Obispo later this month. Brush is a certified Permaculture designer and teacher, as well as a mentor and storyteller. For the past 25 years, he has been inspiring people of all ages to discover, nurture and express their inherent gifts, while living in a sustainable manner. He is co-founder of Quail Springs Learning Oasis & Permaculture Farm, Sustainable Vocations, Wilderness Youth Project, Trees for Children and his Permaculture design company, True Nature Design.

He works extensively in Permaculture education and sustainable systems design in North America and Africa, as well as in other countries worldwide. Brush is an inspiring speaker whom you will never forget and we highly recommend you make it to one of these two events:

March 24 from 6-8 pm at the SLO Grange Hall, 2880 Broad, Brush will present “Permaculture Around the World and at Home.” Suggested donation: $5-$15.

March 25 at 12:00 noon, Brush will visit the SLO City Farm and then will appear at the Cal Poly Student Experimental Farm at 2 pm. City Farm is located at the end of Calle Joaquin just past the AAA office off Los Osos Valley Road. The Cal Poly Student Farm is on campus off Highland St.

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